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ColtonPinck's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ColtonPinck's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I believe the rain forest is to be saved for three reasons. Number one, the rain forest is the biggest source of oxygen for the entire planet and should be preserved for us all. Two, the soil, after the tree chopping, becomes useless after a while and becomes unfertile for farming. Three, pollution is spread from the new industries after they cut down our oxygen supply. So, in conclusion, I believe the rain forest should be saved from being torn down and ruined.

1 point

I think we should be extremely cautious on who we let come over in our borders and airlines coming to America from ,certain countries, to immigration. The reason why i think this is because our nation's ever growing illegal immigrant population, foreign drugs, and terrorism rates climbing up at a record tops. I'm not saying completely close down the country, but i am saying we should be cautios about who to let in and from where and for what reason. The border patrol and airlines should triple check each non-US citizen coming into our great nation.

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