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1 point

On a global level, rainforests should not even be considered for destruction, as they are a key role in our existence. What happens in the rainforests, effects what happens on the other side of the world. For humans to so selfish as to jeopardize vast amounts of organisms for our own gain would be the undoing of us all. Does the oxygen in the air we breathe come from money? Does it come from our economic values that are gained? No! It comes from the tree's that rest in the Amazon, and in Africa. The survival of one species, is not worth the risk of a global cataclysm.

The ignorance that was created by our forefathers in the industrial revolution should not be repeated as we are more aware of our surrounding. Knowledge brings power, but what is the point of power if we are so blind as to ignore it. I can understand that we need to expand on our land in order to hold more people, but there are other solutions. Given the situation that we are in, greater companies should be responsible, and hold off on destroying rain forests. Find other solutions because with the knowledge of today, there is bound to be an answer for our poor economic situations brought on by ignorance.

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