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Should the rainforest be saved?Honors

Read the following articles Welcome to the Rainforest and Tropical Rainforest--Reasons for their Destruction.  Your task is take the information gathered and decide if you think the economic and social gain of destroying the rainforests outweigh preservation.  Use proper grammar and spelling in your arguement. It needs to be at least 2 paragraphs and you must support you opinion with information from the texts.

Respond appropriately to a minimum of two other arguments as well.  You may also vote up and/or down other student's arguments. If you do you need to say why it is not a good argument.


Side Score: 16
Winning Side!


Side Score: 2
1 point

I think the rainforest should be saved because it provides us with things we need to live. The rainforest's provide us with clothes, food, medicine, oxygen and many more. If many rainforest's were to be cut down today then we wouldn't have medicine for a lot of disease. Scientist are also looking for the cure to Cancer, Aids, Diabetes, Arthritis, and many more. If the rainforest were cut down we might never find the cure to these diseases.

The rainforest also provide us with many clothing that comes from plants. Cotton comes from a certain plant, if that plant never existed then we wouldn't have cotton clothing. The rainforest also provide us with oxygen. If the rainforest were cut down it would be very hard for us to survive with oxygen that doesn't come from the rainforest. If the rainforest were cut down we would be killing 50% of all plants and animals in this world.

Side: yes
1 point

Good arguments Priyank, someone did their hw. Unlike the cowboys

Side: yes
1 point

I think that the rainforest should definetly be saved. Because like they many people haved said before, "The rainforests are the lungs of the planet," the rainforests across the globe produce a large amount of our oxygen and intake a a huge portion of the CO2.

The rainforests are currently being depleaded at an alarming rate. All just for greedy companies to make a quick buck. What are they going to do next, start drying up the ocean? Taking away the rainforests is a suicidal thought, you're basically dooming the entire human race for no reason at all.

Side: yes
1 point

Great arguments, Mohamed. I agree with you that the rainforest's shouldn't be cut down because it contains a lot of oxygen, as you said it's the "lungs of the earth".

Side: yes
1 point

I believe that the rainforest should be preserved so that we can save the earth's land and wildlife. It's pretty greedy that us humans can have a lot of land to live and some animals have limited land, so taking their land just means more greed. There are also many exotic species that only live in rainforests and taking their habitat away might take away a species away, taking some of Earth's beauty. We could think of alternative ways to get resources, yet preserving the rainforest from destruction. Finally, when it comes to building settlements, it would be better settling in a barren area, but is still near a source of water.

Side: yes
1 point

I believe that rainforests should be preserved because they hold most of the world's biodiversity. If they are destroyed, plant and animal life would be destroyed. Plants would eventually die. This will cause the animal to starve, die, and then the species will become extinct. It is a chain reaction, when one thing is changed, the whole chain is changed negatively in the long term. Animals and plants have the freedom and the right to be free and happy. We do not have the right to decide how their lives are going to be like.

Rainforests are also one of the main sources of medicines. The medicines that are derived from the plants and trees from the rainforests, are used to cure incredibly dangerous diseases. If they are destroyed, there is no hope for humanity, because the people that have a disease will die, and the people that get a disease, have no chance of living. That way of life is not ethical. People will have to be extremely careful of what they do. This is not the kind of life that a person wants, they don't want to worry so much about their health.

I believe that rainforests should be preserved because without them, we don't have as good of a chance of having a more prosper society.

Side: yes
1 point

Very good alex explaining this. I strongly agree with you

Side: yes
1 point

With the increasing population of the planet, more oxygen is needed to help sustain such new life. Due to our natural interaction, plant-life and humans have always had plenty of their own life sustaining force; Plants produce oxygen, which we as humans use to live, recycling it to produce CO2, the life-force of plants. But, thanks to deforestation, we are steadily decreasing the amount of oxygen in the world, and filling it with CO2, which is lethal to humans in doses too high. So, in the best interest of the human race, not just for now, but forever, deforestation should be cut down to a very bare minimum, since it does provide a useful service.

As for those who see it as a financial decision, as stated in an article on, "Many organizations have demonstrated that if the medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, oils and other resources like rubber, chocolate and chicle, were harvested sustainably - rain forest land has much more economic value than if timber were harvested or if it were burned down for cattle or farming operations." This goes to show that instead of burning and clearing the land for senseless farming that will only last short periods of time, we can use what we have and harvest it, creating a much better profit, by at least six times the amount you would make at max for timber, according to rain-tree. So bear in mind that although it is a financial decision, it is not the best, for money or survival. We can either stop the destructive force that is deforestation, or we can suffocate on our own greed. You choose.

Side: yes
1 point

The rainforest should be saved.They have many resources animals and plants that we can use.They even have plants that we don't know of yet that can help us make new medicine for many diseases or for when being sick. People want to destroy it just for their personal gain but in reality the rainforest is really helpful.

It helps with medicine.Also they cut the trees that produce fruit.Even animals need food yet some are going extinct because they don't have enough food. They need to save it for our oxygen,the plants for medicine we can get, as well as many undiscovered cures or food for anything.

Side: yes
1 point

true true my brother. Many diversity consists in these rainforests and if we cut them down, well many will become endangered and even extinct. :(

Side: yes
1 point

Perhaps the fact that, yes the economy is important for our way of life, and that it is needed to sustain certain things. Yet, we seem to abuse our ability to use other things such as technology instead of resulting to our natural elemants of tree ,and plants.

Our plants allow us to survive in this world; without them there will be no us and no econonomy.

Side: yes
1 point

On a global level, rainforests should not even be considered for destruction, as they are a key role in our existence. What happens in the rainforests, effects what happens on the other side of the world. For humans to so selfish as to jeopardize vast amounts of organisms for our own gain would be the undoing of us all. Does the oxygen in the air we breathe come from money? Does it come from our economic values that are gained? No! It comes from the tree's that rest in the Amazon, and in Africa. The survival of one species, is not worth the risk of a global cataclysm.

The ignorance that was created by our forefathers in the industrial revolution should not be repeated as we are more aware of our surrounding. Knowledge brings power, but what is the point of power if we are so blind as to ignore it. I can understand that we need to expand on our land in order to hold more people, but there are other solutions. Given the situation that we are in, greater companies should be responsible, and hold off on destroying rain forests. Find other solutions because with the knowledge of today, there is bound to be an answer for our poor economic situations brought on by ignorance.

Side: yes
1 point

Rainforests are abundant in animals and plants, which are both important. They are also filled with oxygen, which is just good for the environment in general. The only problem with rainforests is that they consume space. If they were to destroy all the rainforests, lots of animals would be left without a home, and lots of nature would die.

Side: yes
1 point

I think that the rainforest should be saved because it creates oxygen. It also helps us survive and live. There are many more reasons to save the rainforests. But there is too many reasons to save the rainforest that i cnat name them all.

I also think that it really doesnt matter if we dont have gems because we can survive without gems. Thats just one of the many stupid reasons that people dont wan't to save the rainforests but they're just too lazy to do anything so yeah. Thank you for reading this!!!

Side: yes
1 point

I agree that the rainforest's should be saved for many reasons for starters it provides most of the earths oxygen, it provides medicine, and habitat for biodiversity. 50% of all animal and plants live in the rain forest.And it deserves a right place in the world. It been research for many scientific reasons from medicine and new animals. Also more carbon dioxide is being produce so it helps by taking it in and produce oxygen that we need to live.

The rain forest has many homes for animals and people that depend on it. It has some of the rare from the rhino to the monkeys that fill the air from tree to tree.It also helps the economy by providing material to make stuff.Thats why it has many reasons of being here on earth.And now tragically, a rainforests that once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6%.

Side: yes
1 point

The rainforest should be saved because with out the rainforest lots of plants and animals would die. If we cut down a lot of trees then the amount of oxygen will decrease. We can find new medicine in the rainfores, so not only is it good for the environment but it is also good for us. When you cut down a rainforest more animals will die and that animal can become endanger. If we cut down a lot of rainforests then the Earth will not look as wonderful.

Although we can make money by useing materials in the rainforest we could make other items that we can sell or we can just reuse the items we buy that are used from items in the rainforest. We can also build buildings some where else that way no plants or animals are harmed. People can also use materials that don't give out waste. We can also protect all of the plants and animals that live in the rain forest. We can take a day off from using items that give off waste and just do it by hand and also don't cut down any trees one day.

Side: yes
1 point

The rainforest should not be saved because the land that it inhabits could be used for better things. An article says " It will allow the mining of minerals." well if you want no more gems in your rings or necklaces then go ahead by all means necessary save the rainfores. The land that a rain fores occupies could also be used to raise a family without worrying about crime around you like in cities.

The clearing of rainforest also help create clean power. It said in a article "Rivers have been dammed to make large reservoirs for Hydro-Electric Power schemes." Every human still uses the products like paper and tables that need wood to be made and if we dont get it from a forest where do we get it from? We all know that chocolate is good and some may like coffe but if we don't take the seeds to make them the trees may prosper but we will lose many of what we like to eat.

Side: No
1 point

What idiot would want to cut them down?!?! The rainforest is what provides us with many of our oxygen, biodiversity, and many type of plants and medicines ... and oh yeah chocolate :D. This all is more money per acre compared to if it was used for timber and farmland.

I really wish these rainforests dont get cut down because many consequences will come. If this happens many people will later on regret it for sure. All this money they will make from cutting the trees down will only last a while compared with the choice that they're not cut down. This are renewable resources that will be able to be used for future generations.

Side: No